WMO sets a new effort on hydrology research


In early 2024, the WMO Research Board approved a new Task Team focusing on Hydrology Research to coordinate with the hydrology activities within the World Weather Research Programme, World Climate Research Programme and the Global Atmosphere Watch Programme. 

The task team will additionally facilitate linkages between the WMO Research Board and global and regional hydrological research initiatives.

There are 4 clear objectives:

1) Review, update and oversee the implementation of WMO Hydrology Research Strategy 2022-2030

2) Review, update and oversee the implementation of the actions related to the WMO Research Board in the WMO Plan of Action for Hydrology

3) Recommend the establishment of a subsidiary body (Expert Team) or research program under the Research Board to lead WMO's Hydrology Research Agenda

4) Identify research priorities for improving hydrological predictions across spatial scales and time horizons

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