Novel data sources
that combine satellite, unmanned aerial vehicles, and crowdsourced-based data covering a range of spatial / temporal scales and resolutions.
Funded projects
EU Horizon 2020
2019-2022 "PrimeWater: Delivering advanced predictive tools from medium to seasonal range for water dependent industries exploiting the cross-cutting potential for EO and hydro-ecological modelling", (nr 870497), 2 M Euros, 10 partners (PI)
2019-2022 "HYPOS: Hydro-Power-Suite", (nr 870504), 2 M Euros, 5 partners (co-PI)
2019-2023 "E-SHAPE Showcases: Applications powered by Europe", (nr 820852), 15 M Euros, 55 partners (PI)
2016-2018 "Space-O: Space assisted water quality forecasting platform for optimized decision making in water supply services", (nr 603663), 2 M Euros, 8 partners (PI)
Recommended references
Musuuza J. L., Crochemore L., Pechlivanidis I. G., 2023, 'Evaluation of earth observations and in situ data assimilation for seasonal hydrological forecasting', Water Resources Research, 59, e2022WR033655. <br>
Du T.L.T., et al., 2022, 'Streamflow Prediction in Highly Regulated, Transboundary Watersheds Using Multi-Basin Modelling and Remote Sensing Imagery', Water Resources Research,<br>
Musuuza J., Gustafsson D., Pimentel R., Crochemore L., Pechlivanidis I.G., 2020, 'Impact of satellite and in-situ data assimilation on hydrological predictions', Remote Sensing, 12, 811,
Nijzink R.C., Almeida S., Pechlivanidis I.G., Capell R., Gustafsson D., Arheimer B., Parajka J., Freer J., Han D., Wagener T., Nooijen R.R.P., Savenije H.H.G., Hrachowitz M., 2018, 'Constraining conceptual hydrological models with multiple information sources' Water Resources Research, 54 (10),