Early warning services

addressing Disaster risk management; Observation, monitor & forecasting; Preparedness & anticipation; Dissemination and communication. 

Funded projects 

EU Horizon Europe

2023-2026 "MedEWSa: Mediterranean and pan-European forecast and Early Warning System against natural hazards", (nr 101121192), 5 M Euro, 30 partners (PI)

EU Horizon 2020 

2019-2022 "PrimeWater: Delivering advanced predictive tools from medium to seasonal range for water dependent industries exploiting the cross-cutting potential for EO and hydro-ecological modelling", (nr 870497), 2 M Euros, 10 partners (PI) 

2016-2019 "IMPREX: Learn from today to anticipate tomorrow", (nr 641811), 8 M Euros, 23 partners (SMHI's co-Project Manager) 2016-2018 "Space-O: Space assisted water quality forecasting platform for optimized decision making in water supply services", (nr 603663), 2 M Euros, 8 partners (PI) 

Copernicus Programme Emergency Management Service (CEMS) 

2022-2028 "CEMS Hydrological Forecast Centre - Analytics and Dissemination", (nr JRC/IPR/2020/OP/3195), 3.5 M Euros, SMHI as Contractor (co-PI) 

Recommended references

Girons Lopez, M., Crochemore, L., Pechlivanidis, I.G., 2021, 'Benchmarking an operational hydrological model for providing seasonal forecasts in Sweden', Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 25, 1189-1209, https://doi.org/10.5194/hess-25-1189-20212020 

Macian-Sorribes H., Pechlivanidis I.G., Crochemore L., Pulido-Velazquez M., 2020, 'Fuzzy post-processing to advance the quality of continental seasonal hydrological forecasts for river basin management', Journal of Hydrometeorology, doi: https://doi.org/10.1175/JHM-D-19-0266.1 

Pechlivanidis I.G., Crochemore L., Rosberg J., Bosshard T., 2020, 'What are the key drivers controlling the forecasts of seasonal streamflow volumes?', Water Resources Research, doi: 10.1029/2019WR026987 

Lavers D., Ramos M-H., Magnusson L., Pechlivanidis I.G., Klein B., Prudhomme C., Arnal L., Crochemore L., van den Hurk B., Weerts A., Harrigan S., Cloke H., Richardson D., Pappenberger F., 2020, 'A vision for hydrological prediction', Atmosphere, 11(3), 237, https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos11030237 

Olsson, J., Pers B.C., Bengtsson L., Pechlivanidis I.G., Berg P., Körnich H., 2017, 'Distance-dependent depth-duration analysis in high-resolution hydro-meteorological ensemble forecasting: A case study in Malmö City, Sweden', Environ. Model. Softw., 93, 381-397, doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2017.03.025. 

Pechlivanidis, I.G., Bosshard, T., Spångmyr, H., Lindström, G., Gustafsson, D., and Arheimer, B., 2014, 'Uncertainty in the Swedish Operational Hydrological Forecasting Systems', ASCE: Vulnerability, Uncertainty, and Risk, 253-262. doi: 10.1061/9780784413609.026

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